About me

J. Gary Traveny
I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio into a blue-collar family with ties to rural Ohio and Pennsylvania. Living in the rubber capital of the world led me to appreciate my visits to the countryside. These sojourns gave me an education, and a love and respect for the beauty of nature and the outdoors.
My interest in art began in 7th grade after contracting pneumonia and spending a week at home finding enjoyment in drawing characters from the comic pages. All I had to hear from my sister was “those are great” and I was off and running. In school, I chose Art because it sounded a lot better than Algebra. Later, I happily attended the University of Akron as an Art major expanding my studies and passions.
Unfortunately, I spent the next three years studying abroad with the U.S. Army. This is when I purchased my first 35-millimeter camera at the post exchange. I took pictures of everything, shots of swans on the Rhine, gardens at Versailles, masters at the Louvre, and Bavarian castles.
Upon returning to college and graduating as an Educator, I spent the next forty plus years teaching and counseling students never losing my interest in photography. I still shot on a regular basis and would often share my work with family, friends, and colleagues, still looking for that “those are great” responses. Recently, a friend and art teacher convinced me to enter some work in the Cuyahoga Valley art show in Kent, OH and I was hooked.
My current work makes use of light and water, inspired by my great love of Ansel Adams.
I never lost my great respect for the wilderness that I gained during those childhood visits to rural PA. I hope you will find yourself lost in my photos.
Let's work together
Email: garytraveny1@gmail.com Phone: 330-606-1217